Thursday, October 25, 2007


A really good friend of mine sent me this clip. I've always dreamed of performing the national anthem, but this blew me away.

Have a great weekend, peeps!!!



limpy99 said...

Yeah, that clip's going to get him laid in about 8 years.

Anonymous said...

I can't see it! Geez, I need to get out of the freakin' amish days. Bring me my modem and highspeed already!

I'm sure it's a great clip. I trust you like that.

Lady K said...

limpy ~ hopefully he'll stay away from Neverland Ranch...

jenn ~ thanks for stopping by! It IS a great clip; the kid is amazing. I wasn't aware that the amish were allowed to have computers! ;)

Callie said...

Oh my GOD, what a voice!

How old is that kid, anyway????

Lady K said...

callie ~ i have no idea how old he is, but YEAH!

Unknown said...

He's Great!

Happy Halloween

Lady K said...

june! welcome back! He IS awesome, huh? Happy Halloween your own self! I just picked up my candy today. GOD this shit is expensive these days...