The 88's style seems to be one that our hostess with the mostest has expressed a disdain for in the past. Evolution can be funny like that. Nice Lakland D. Jones 4-string; about a $2K bass that's little more than a refined Fender Jazz. Cool tune, cool vid, and the Beatles influences are nice.
Lakies hold their value reasonably well, provided that they are what we denizens call "MIA," which is "made in America." The Skyline series is made offshore, and thus costs less initially. Other makers do this too, with the Cort factory doing most of the builds. My G&L is actually made in Indonesia, and I have jokingly pissed off the stoner-folk by calling it "killer Indo," which it is. I lust after an MIA version, tho'.
add bass: My G&L is called a "Tribute," since it is made offshore, unlike vintage MIA G&L's. Early G&L's from the 80's were handcrafted by the late, great Leo Fender, the father of the electric bass guitar. We TB'ers call 'em "Tribby's." Of course, nothing holds a candle to my MIG 'wick; a German-made limited edition Warwick.
Some guys are into cars; this one's into inanimate objects that make one's booty move to the groove.
The 88's style seems to be one that our hostess with the mostest has expressed a disdain for in the past. Evolution can be funny like that. Nice Lakland D. Jones 4-string; about a $2K bass that's little more than a refined Fender Jazz. Cool tune, cool vid, and the Beatles influences are nice.
Happy belated Birthday Lady K! I had one on Monday. We're getting so old.
I hope the Birdman hasn't poisoned you mind with those Counting Crows. LOL ;)
h ~ what's the resell value on something like that?
cork ~ thanks, and happy b-day to YOU, too!!! Old is just a state of mind.
LOL My mind was already poisoned, he just added to the flavor... ;)
I keep hoping the guy with the handheld will trip.
Lakies hold their value reasonably well, provided that they are what we denizens call "MIA," which is "made in America." The Skyline series is made offshore, and thus costs less initially. Other makers do this too, with the Cort factory doing most of the builds. My G&L is actually made in Indonesia, and I have jokingly pissed off the stoner-folk by calling it "killer Indo," which it is. I lust after an MIA version, tho'.
add bass: My G&L is called a "Tribute," since it is made offshore, unlike vintage MIA G&L's. Early G&L's from the 80's were handcrafted by the late, great Leo Fender, the father of the electric bass guitar. We TB'ers call 'em "Tribby's." Of course, nothing holds a candle to my MIG 'wick; a German-made limited edition Warwick.
Some guys are into cars; this one's into inanimate objects that make one's booty move to the groove.
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