Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cold, Cloudy, & Tiny Little Crock Pot

I got brotherman a "one-person" type crock pot for Christmas, because he broke his not too long ago. He doesn't think you can make anything but soup in this little thing. I disagree, as I just made that "chicken stew/chowder" stuff in it and got at LEAST 4 bowls worth as far as quantity. So, I kept it, with the promise that I would get him a bigger one soon. PERFECT! I'm planning to make 1/2 batch of chili in it next, while the weather is still below 50. It really IS perfect for single living. I WAS tempted to just give brotherman my full-sized one, but I need it for when I make stuff to take to work.

Anyway, today was cold, rainy, and cloudy (which I LOVE), although it didn't add to my attitude. It incenses me that some people can get paid to fuck off and play on the internet and text message with their friends all day while the rest of us are busting ass, picking up the slack, and struggling to keep our heads above water. I HATE working weekends because I have to pick up the slack. It's one thing when you WANT to...another when you NEED to. 'Nuff said.

Got some cute/cool pics to share. Always the shutterbug, and love every minute of it:

I'm gonna go finish watching The Green Mile. LOVED the book series, and LOVES me some Tom Hanks.

Happy Hump Day!

Treble Freezing Cold


captain corky said...

The Green Mile is a great movie. I didn't want to bring this up to you but I'm off for the next 5 days from work. I haven't left the house yet. Hope you still love me.

Lady K said...

cork ~ yeah, it is a great movie. And you suck. ;-)

Callie said...

I watched that yesterday, too! Just finished re-reading the book a few weeks ago, too. I have to say, that is one of, if not THE, best adaptation of a Stephen King book. They stayed true to what he wrote. LOVE that about it.

The crock pot is cute!

Big Pissy said...

That crock pot is so cute!

I know this is hard to believe, but I've never watched that movie all the way through....

Brad the Gorilla said...

I want to see photos of you dressed up in your gorilla suit. You haven't forgotten, have you?

Steven said...

The Greeen Mile was okay....

NOt great, but not bad...but then I'm thinking I'm not as big a Tom Hanks fan as you. ;)


Pud said...

Wow! You really like to cook. I just hate cooking for one all the time.