Sunday, July 29, 2007

Postcards From the NEW Edge...

I busted ASS this weekend, kids. I'm exhausted. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned the old apartment, and had one more load to do, but brotherman and I got into it because he thought I was taking too long, so he took off to the 'rent's. I finished what I was doing in about 20 minutes and just came back here (HOME!) and unloaded what I had in my car.

Ten minutes after I was in the door, MOMS calls me: "HEY, brotherman felt bad, said he wanted to go back to load up, but you were gone, so we're in the neighborhood on our way back to my house. Mind if we come by?"


They were here about 15 minutes, Moms LOVES the place and said, "Holy shit, good luck putting all this shit away." LOL She slays me.

I cleaned up, went over there for dinner (they now live literally FIVE minutes from me), then came home, took an unexpected nap (I'm just gonna lie down for a minute), and woke up just in time for these cool sunset shots from the new pad:
If I were a cat, I'd be SO purring right now. I'm a "dog person," and my dog is completely passed out behind my chair right now.
As soon as I took that pic, I got THIS:

Stevie Wonder is playing in my head right now..."Isn't she lovely? Isn't she won-der-ful..." This little girl is my WORLD. She's five, and is digging the new place, as am I. Okay. Time for bed, and my last week at the salt mine before the "final cut." Pink Floyd. Check it out.

Treble Puppy 1


captain corky said...

She only lives 5 minutes from you now? Better hide the drugs! ;) Beautiful pics K.

Lady K said...

cork ~ no shit, huh? LMAO! Thank GOD my parents always call first...

And thanks. This camera phone never ceases to amaze me.

Liz said...

I stopped hiding the drugs from my mom like 15 years ago. If she don't like it, she don't have to visit.

So, are you finally done moving?

limpy99 said...

"No Mom, that's a vase, not a bong."

Pud said...

Man, moving sucks! But it sounds like you are all done.

So I take it this place is way better than your last place?

Lady K said...

nonny ~ you do drugs? LOL And after tonight I should be finally done, then it's all about the unpacking. I'm SO sick of looking at cardboard. Almost as sick as you should be of looking at the pubes on the homeless at the methadone clinic.

limpy ~ how did you know? LOL

pud ~ YES this place ROCKS! I'm almost done...

Big Pissy said...

Love the beautiful. :)

Yea! on being moved! I know you're thrilled!

Big Pissy said...

p.s. I love your dog. What's her name?

Anonymous said...

I want to know what kind of incriminating things would have laying around that need to be cleaned up?!?!

Anonymous said...

The doggie is gorgeous!