I'm sick ~ AGAIN. I cannot believe this.
I really musta fucked up BAD when I was younger to deserve karma like this. Seriously, you guys, I'm at the end of my rope here.
I can't take anything, either, because I have my last blood test Thursday morning to see if I get the "all clear" for surgery, THEN I gotta be really good to make sure the PRE-OP bloodwork comes back alright. (Provided they decide to reschedule the shit!)
I AM allowed to take up to 4 ibuprofen tablets a day, and the ambien is really helping with the sleep, although the nightmares and weird dreams disturb the fuck out of me. I mean...REALLY vivid and disTURBING. FUCK!!!
I'm over a week "late," too. Not helping. I was THRILLED at the prospect, but the ETP said "no dice." Fuckers. I really wanted to be a mom and give the 'rents more grandchllins.
Now I love that word even MORE! LMAO
Happy Monday.

You need chicken soup, orange juice, lots of chocolate and a big hug. Since I can't do any in person, just imagine me squeezing you :) No, not THERE, silly girl! Well, unless you insist.
Dammmit!!! You told me you were on the pill!!
Seriously, I hope you feel better soon. And you should buy lottery tickets by the bushel. Fate owes you.
Go drink some green tea ASAP!
Hope you feel better!
yeahhhhhyeah! I banish the curse that is upon ya!
might work.
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