Monday, March 5, 2007

Aww nah She Di'nn't!!!

I worked from home all day Monday. Oh, yes I DID. I have ASKED the person from the office NOT to wear the cologne TO the office TWICE. Is there a chance of getting laid there? Um. NO.

Does she continue to wear it? Yeah.

It was all I could do to breathe. I was only there an hour.

Anyway, I got a lot done, at HOME! More than I would have, given the environment I was handed when that chick showed up. I even had to take 1/2 sick day, which really sucks. Can you say, "hostile work envornment?" I SO don't mean "hostile" on my part. Well, maybe I am, a little...

Happy Tuesday. Hopefully the air will be clear when I go in.

Treble Alarm Clock 2


captain corky said...

I wish I could get a job working at home! I would probaably never leave my house again. Maybe to go and Spiderman but that's about it. Have a good day K.

Lady K said...

cork ~ LOL me, too! This was a pretty rare occasion. Hopefully that chick won't wear that cologne to the office again.

I saw the trailer for that new Spidey movie over the weekend. It looks wicked good!

Callie said...

I saw a sneak preview for Spidey last night while watching Heroes, and now I'm going to run over to and see a limited hi-def preview that's only going to be up for the next few hours. Woot!

Oh, and if she wears perfume again, spray around her office with bug spray. If she asks why, tell her that since she sees fit to fumigate herself, you figured her office could use it, as well.

captain corky said...

Did you see Heroes last night? Another great episode. Now we have to wait until the end of April to see the rest of the season. That sucks.

limpy99 said...

I just wish I had a job where there was a chance of getting laid in the office.

Big Pissy said...

I like callie's bug spray idea!

Saints and Spinners said...

Aren't there laws now for this sort of thing? Cologne should be against the Geneva Convention rules, anyway.