I must say, this was one of the most perfect weekends I've had in a LONG time. Not only did I get a Friday at work without drama and disruption, I got to spend a nice night in, and cooked for the b/f! Yeah, halfway through my meal I realized I didn't take pics for you guys...shrimp over linguini with alfredo sauce (oh, yeah, I MADE this):

Saturday was spent with b/f & his mom, and I must say it turned out better than I expected. I got a little sick beforehand because I was so apprehensive (EWW) but I sucked it up (not the puke, you sickos) and got thru it. We even had a nice lunch together. All's well that ends well on that end of the map.
I traded in some books and such, and ended up getting a new game. STUNTMAN is the ULTIMATE! I can't wait till I get used to it so I don't crash so much. I also got some movies I've been wanting to own: Under the Tuscan Sun, Trading Places, and Grumpy & Grumpier Old Men. GOD I am such a chick. Excuse me while I go run my stuntcar off of a cliff or something...
Sunday I made something like a chicken chowder-like thing, just threw some stuff together in the mini crock-pot (the dumplings I made were do DIE for):

I also talked to Hitman J!!! (Those of you who've been around remember him, right?) He's doing well, but said he doesn't really miss blogging. He sounded great, and is happy building his life, bustin' caps and breaking knees up there. Hope it's all good, but I told him y'all said "hi" and ya miss him. Personally, I miss "WV:TG." I'm tempted to just do it for the helluvit when I come across that shit.
Doesn't that last one look like it has a "signature" in the lower right-hand corner? I'm seeing "Naamba" or "Niaambaa" or somthing like that. Weird. Just plain weird. I SWEAR I took that with my camera phone. It wasn't raining. It wasn't even as COLD as it's been. It actually hit 70, but it's supposed to dip down by Wednesday and rain. One can only pray for that in the desert.
Happy Monday, chillens! It's gonna be a crazy-gotta-go-in-early-cos-I'm-covering hum-dinger, but I'll have NO drama, no i-poddedness, no disruptive mountains-out-of molehills bullshit, so I'm looking forward to it, for a change. It's amazing how ONE person's absence makes an atmosphere SO much better. I heard it from SEVERAL people on Friday. Hmmmm...
Sounds like there was some good eating going on at your house this weekend. Send some of that eating to me in Iraq.
All that food looks and sounds tasty! YUM!
Y'all really need to get rid of that chick at the office.
She brings everybody down from the sound of things.
Glad to hear you had such a good weekend! The food looks heavenly, and those pictures are breathtaking.
Maybe Hitman J doesn't miss blogging, but I miss Hitman J.
I think that signature says "NAMBLA" You should report the pilot.
I'm glad you had a great weekend! You deserve it.
After looking at the pics of the food you made this weekend I through my bowl of shredded wheat through the window. ;)
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