Thursday, March 22, 2007

A VERY Rare Occasion...

I DID say "When it rains, it storms!"

...and STORM, it DID, INDEED!!!

Around 10:00 this morning it started "lightly" raining. Typical for Arizona, and usually lasts about 1/2 hour.

OH YEAH...It sprinkled on and off till around 1:00pm, then the sky LET LOOSE, BABY! We got thunder, we got lightening, we got a DOWNPOUR!!! BONUS: We got pea-sized HAIL!
Most of us stopped what we were doing just to watch this phenomenon. HAIL? NOW? WTF?

I was too chicken to run out to get pictures. The clouds were PINK and GREEN...and LOUD! SCARY, from where I come from back east, but it was all cool. Lightening took our phone system out for a few minutes, but nothing major. Just a LOTTA, LOTTA water for the desert. Streets flooding, hillbillies stuck in washes...your typical AZ spring storm.
Then we got another. No hail, just a LOT of rain. OH the smell of desert sage, eucalyptus and creosote together! Only when it rains this much do we get that luxury.

The sun came out for about 10 minutes, then it clouded up again, another storm cell threatenin.' By the time I got home from work, the dog was on the love seat, exhausted from being freaked out by all the thunderclaps, and had buried herself in the clothes I had already folded up waiting for boxes for Goodwill..she will be forgiven for the refolding. Poor baby! (read: dammit! I already folded that shit ONCE!)
God bless her li'l heart! I really was worried about her. The second I walked in the door from work I snapped this pic, she jumped up and wouldn't leave my side, and hasn't. She's lying at my feet while I type this. Now THAT'S a loyal companion! When I took her outside, I took pics of the sky, knowing it was gonna give way and start up again any second...

It started raining again around 6pm, and just let up a little, and it's 10:30. This is supposed to continue on into Saturday, and I am LOVING IT!

Living in the desert, it doesn't take much to entertain me. ha ha! I'll try to get cool sky pics if the weatherdicks down here are right. MAN, I miss Dick Goddard...It's almost Woolybear Season up there about now!!!

Reporting LIVE, from the Valley of the Sun, this is Lady K...

Treble Thunderstorms


captain corky said...

It's been nice here all week. Too bad I haven't had a chance to take advantage of it... The lighting storms are crazy in Kentucky. I aint ever seen anything like it. The sky turns black and lighting shoots across the sky.

Enjoy the rain K.

Lady K said...

cork ~ glad it's been nice there! I know how those winters can be over there. I kinda miss it, and I miss the lightening you're talking about. I did get a little taste of it Thursday and DID enjoy. It was supposed to be like that all weekend but I woke up to sunny skies. Again.

Jerrster said...

OH man I've been in Tucson when it's rained like that. I'm not all that well traveled but I've never seen a lightening storm like the one I saw in AZ. I used to laugh about the signs warning you will be ticketed if you drive into an underpass while it's raining...then I found out will drown in your own car....because I've never seen so much rain in so little time fall. We need rain here....wish it smelled like sage here...instead of wet asphalt when it does rain...have a great weekend Lady K.

Lady K said...

jer ~ it rains like that during monsoon season in the summertime down here. LOTS of rain in a little time, and the oh-so-dry ground doesn't have time to soak it all in so it floods everywhere. This time of year, though, it's cool enough, so the desert will be FULL of beautiful blooms in no time. Hope you have a great weekend, too.

limpy99 said...

Sounds better than the icy mud season we're in now.

Saints and Spinners said...

Gorgeous skies!

Callie said...

Poor puppy!

Weather sounds fantastic. I love thunder storms!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a hell of a time out there. We had quite the nice little ice/snow storm here the week before.

Big Pissy said...

Wow! Great pictures!

and Awwwww....your poor little dog!