Friday, October 24, 2008

Goodbye, Peeps!

I've had enough of this online stuff. I finally DID get a job, even if it IS working at Einstein's Bagels. Just sucks that I'll have to get up to be AT WORK by 5am. Hey, better than nuthin' with the economy being the way it is, right? Health issues are still there but getting better. Like anyone out there cares anyway, right?

I only wish the best for ALL OF YOU and yours. Keep on keepin' on...

Happy Happy Happy....Joy Joy Joy!

Happy Halloween, Happy Election Day (hopefully), Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas (or whichever P.C. I should say here), and Happy New Year! Who knows what tomorrow brings.

Werewolf Mummy VoteTurkey 3D Santa 3D Rudolph Noisemaker 3

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Well, I had things to say, then I had a cool video to embed, but blogger ate it. Either that, or y'all are gonna get a bunch of goobblediegook.

Reader's Digest version: feeling MUCH better, don't have to go back to the doc for three months, BP med dose is cut in half, and applied for a kickass job that I REALLY want. Keep your fingers crossed.

Here's the SONG I wanted to post, but the "embed" keeps wiping everything out of blogger, so I'm leavin' ya with the URL. LOL I know, now adays, that's "old school" stuff... I'm pasting the URL, and trying the embed thing one more time.

Have a fabulous week!

Treble Birthday Candles

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I know it's been awhile since I've posted. There have been a lot of things I've needed to concentrate on, mainly the neverending search for a JOB (this economy SO SUCKS right now) and even more health issues. That's right, kids, the fun just never ends. I'm coming up on the big 4-3 this month and at this point I'll feel lucky if I make it to 50. There's fluid in my liver, causing my stomach to distend, sometimes to the point where I look pregnant.

I have a bladder/kidney infection, which has had my temperature between 99 and 102 for almost 2 weeks. I shouldn't have waited so long to go to the doc. Now there may be fluid around my right lung, so I have to get a chest x-ray Monday morning. With no insurance (e.g. waiting so long to go to the doc) and AHCCCS giving me the runaround for the last TWO MONTHS (AHCCCS is health insurance/cash assistance, gov'ment help) this has been costing a small fortune. The doc says what he's hearing in the stethescope isn't good and it's critical for me to get the x-ray ASAP. The last bloodwork he wanted would have cost me over $2,000 without insurance, so I didn't get them done. It was bad enough with the liver ultrasound. Now the doc is saying they may have to go in with a long-ass needle and drain the fluid outta there. I have a thing about needles in the first place, so if this happens, they had BETTER knock me out for it.

I know, I can go on and on and on. I'm sure there's people out there with worse problems than I have.

It's cold today (43 when I got up this morning) so I've got chili in the crockpot. I was pretty much "ordered" to eat more protein, so the meat & beans in there should help.

Hope all is well with everyone. I'll get around to commenting as soon as I can.

Peace, good vibes, and Happy Columbus Day!
Treble Pumpkin